Travelling to Central Asia: Exploring the ‘Stans’

Central Asia—sometimes referred to as the ‘Stans’—consists of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. Bordered by Russia in the north, China to the east, and Iran and Afghanistan down south, these five countries possess unparalleled natural beauty, unique culture and rich history.

Exotic Snowbird Destinations: Warm Winters with a Cultural Twist

Snowbird destinations can become a little repetitive, especially if you’re flocking to the same place every year. Think Florida, Arizona, California, Mexico, and all the other typical snowbird hotspots in between. For your next trip, why not push yourself out of your comfort zone and visit a destination that’s always been on your bucket list?

Going with the Mekong Flow

Think of the Mekong River as the backbone of Southeast Asia. It’s the very pillar that ensures the area’s economic development. Take a trip down the Mekong and you’ll intimately discover the heart of Southeast Asian life. Thanks to some of the destinations below, I too discovered its unquestionable charm.