Ecotourism 101

Do you love to travel, enjoy the outdoors, try to learn about local populations and try to do it all responsibly? Then you’ve probably been “eco-touring” long before the term was coined! Instead of another article about “top ecotourism destinations”, I’d like to offer you a different approach: how you can be an ecotourist in

Stories from our Employee Volunteer Program

Corporate social responsibility has become one of the most powerful ways to affect change today. More and more non-profits and charities have started relying on corporate donors to fuel their causes, and many companies have even created their own charitable programs.

Why We Did Tough Mudder & Why We’d Do It Again

If you’ve heard of Tough Mudder, you know it’s not a race: it’s a test of personal grit and team spirit. A 19 kilometre, grueling, uphill, downhill, mud-filled, obstacle-riddled course based on military training. Why oh why would 27 travel insurance employees and executives from TuGo want to do this, you ask?